Thursday, November 8, 2007


Now this will revolutionize the golf industry. This team came to us just recently about an idea that is as simple as it is ingenious. As the golf industry is making the club heads bigger and bigger, the BigG team took a slightly different approach: let's make the ball bigger! We are now looking into the machinery necessary to create these balls as well as lobbying to interest groups within the industry.

Of course larger size balls require some adjustment to golf courses, training facilities and other golf equipment. We see this as a promising idea, however in the early stages. We are currently finansing bizplan creation. One possible spinoff is a BigG clothes collection with golfpants featuring larger pockets to hold the larger ball size.

Themepark Moulinsart 2.0

This is one of our investments that has gained much public recognition and appreciation. Moulinsart was the castle that was referenced in the books about Tintin by the Belgian writer Hérge. We decided in early 2006 to join a group of investors that were investing in a themepark in the Normandie region northeast of Paris.

There were initially difficulties to find a large enough property, but we finally settled for a 100 acre area that is situated just outside of Caen. The foundation for the castle was set in August this year and construction is under way! For those of you who enjoyed Tintin in their youth will be please to know that the themepark opens for business in the spring of 2009!

The h-teat unit shows traction

When we met the h-teat team the first time we thought they were insane, but their idea is now being rolled out in 10 major capitals around the world.

The first bizplan that the team sent us was sketchy at best and had the ingrediences of a prank. However, when we met them in person, we saw a group of highly motivated people burning for an idea. And as long as we see that passion, keep on bringing the ideas!

h-teat is a set of consumer products sold at privatly owned h-teat museums around the world. The idea was genereated during a visit to a museum in sourthern Germany about 3 years ago. Rooms with artifacts from the region around Munich were portraid in one room after another. One of the h-teat orignal members recall telling a joke to a friend during the visit. This joke turned out to be the starting point of a great new HIPP financed company.

So what is it? h-teat is a set of collectors items that reflect a piece of fictuous history of the capital where the product is sold. The h-teat is sold in a variance of colors, all with the same metal compound. The highend version is called "yellowmetal, better than GOLD" and comes with a certificate of authenticity. At these small museums, usually located in prime tourist locations, you can follow the craftsmen simulating production of the actual h-teat. Production of the product is for now located in Egypt, but we are currently looking into moving this to Asia for quality and labour reasons. The product is identical in all cities where it is currently merchandized. So far, 430.000 units have been sold at an average price of $110/unit.

The entry level h-teat is in rust-brown and has a price of $60 and the yellowmetal(tm) high end version is $190. The midtier is called "h-teat silver shadow" and costs $140 per unit. An average tourist buys 3 units, one of each. Only the yellowmetal(tm) unit comes with the sought after certificate of authenticity.

We have seen some replicas of the h-teat on the North America market, but our lawyers are currently looking into this situation. For now, h-teat is only sold in San Francisco and New York on the North American market.

Yes, we are excited to bring this new product above and beyond the 10 capitals. Be on the look out!

bruun - 2 years of profit

Our investment in bruun turned out to be a lucky strike. After 2 solid years of amazing revenue streams, bruun is now ready to go beyond the local market where it operates and roll out globally.
So what is bruun? bruun is a product and services organization that helps companies grow their sales by up to 10% in almost any market and vertical. The folks at bruun are involved with the tobacco industry, paper and pulp, packaging and pharma to mention a few.

bruun is both a product, the bruun liquid, as well as a highly skilled services organization that has the necessary expertise in applying the bruun liquid in the required quantities. The correct quantities are essential to realize the potential 10% sales increase for bruun customers.

So, how does bruun make money? Both the bruun liquid and application services are part of a specific arrangement with the company that requires bruuns expertise. However it is common that bruun takes a percentage fee of the increase in revenue created by the 10% garanteed sales hike.

So what is this anyway? Well, simply put, bruun engages in a customers quality assurance process and applies the bruun liquid with a specific tool called the bruun applicator to the product. It is applied by a certified bruun operator that is highly trained at applying the correct amount of bruun to the end product.

Have you been bruuned lately? Chances are you have.