Thursday, November 8, 2007

Themepark Moulinsart 2.0

This is one of our investments that has gained much public recognition and appreciation. Moulinsart was the castle that was referenced in the books about Tintin by the Belgian writer Hérge. We decided in early 2006 to join a group of investors that were investing in a themepark in the Normandie region northeast of Paris.

There were initially difficulties to find a large enough property, but we finally settled for a 100 acre area that is situated just outside of Caen. The foundation for the castle was set in August this year and construction is under way! For those of you who enjoyed Tintin in their youth will be please to know that the themepark opens for business in the spring of 2009!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi. I have a long experience in designing, developing and the construction of Theme Parks. If there is an opportunity for my company to help and/or co-invest, I would be happy if you could let me know.