Thursday, November 8, 2007


Now this will revolutionize the golf industry. This team came to us just recently about an idea that is as simple as it is ingenious. As the golf industry is making the club heads bigger and bigger, the BigG team took a slightly different approach: let's make the ball bigger! We are now looking into the machinery necessary to create these balls as well as lobbying to interest groups within the industry.

Of course larger size balls require some adjustment to golf courses, training facilities and other golf equipment. We see this as a promising idea, however in the early stages. We are currently finansing bizplan creation. One possible spinoff is a BigG clothes collection with golfpants featuring larger pockets to hold the larger ball size.


Anonymous said...

This would also involve larger divots created by larger balls, creating a need for a new set of repair tools. But I like the idea though. They are hard enough to hit even with the big clubs of today. Keep going.

HIPP Venture Capital said...

Thank you veteran golfer! We are currently looking into creating these repair tools for divots. We are havning talks with the folks from the h-teat company to see if they can create these tools out of the same material as the h-teat product. Keep tuning in for a progress report in the near future!

Anonymous said...

This is the best idea since sliced bread! I hate golf, but could actually learn to love it if I could hit the frikkin ball!!!GO GO

Anonymous said...

How much bigger do you plan take the balls? I have thought about this idea for several years and almost all of my fellow golf players seem to want bigger balls.

Please keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

Hi HIPP. I own a company manufacturing golf balls. Over the years I have picked up some interest in larger balls. I'm willing to support your idea and allow production of some sample balls. Let me know if you are interested.

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